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Roles and Responsibilities in Confined Space Entry

1. Entry Supervisor

The key responsibilities and duties of the entry supervisor in confined space operations.

  • Risk Assessments and Method Statements: Ensuring thorough risk assessments and method statements are produced.
  • Permit to Work: Authorizing and signing off on the permit to work after ensuring all safety protocols are in place.
  • Equipment Safety: Verifying that all equipment used is tested, certified, and safe for use.
  • Job Completion: Cancelling the permit to work upon completion of the job.

2. Safety Attendant (Top Person)

The crucial role of the safety attendant in overseeing confined space operations.

  • Team Preparation: Ensuring team members are certified, medically fit, and adequately equipped.
  • Monitoring and Communication: Constant monitoring and communication during operations to maintain safety standards.
  • Emergency Response: Initiating and overseeing emergency procedures, including rescue and contacting emergency services.
  • Regulatory Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of confined space legislation and industry standards.

3. Entrant

The responsibilities and qualifications required for individuals entering confined spaces.

  • Competency and Training: Being competent and trained to perform tasks within confined spaces.
  • Health Monitoring: Some companies conduct health monitoring to ensure entrants are physically capable of the job.
  • Equipment Readiness: Suitability to wear breathing apparatus (BA) or escape sets as necessary.